§ 72-3-108. County roads -- Vacation and narrowing.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A county may, by ordinance, vacate, narrow, or change the name of a county road without petition or after petition by a property owner.
    (2) A county may not vacate a county road unless notice of the hearing is:
    (a) published:
    (i) in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once a week for four consecutive weeks before the hearing; and
    (ii) on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63F-1-701, for four weeks before the hearing; and
    (b) posted in three public places for four consecutive weeks prior to the hearing; and
    (c) mailed to the department and all owners of property abutting the county road.
    (3) The right-of-way and easements, if any, of a property owner and the franchise rights of any public utility may not be impaired by vacating or narrowing a county road.
    (4) Except as provided in Section 72-5-305, if a county vacates a county road, the state's right-of-way interest in the county road is also vacated.
Amended by Chapter 90, 2010 General Session